Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Um pensamento que tem cruzado bastante a minha mente nesses dias é "essa gente não tem ideia do quão sortudas são."

Friday, November 11, 2011


"An X is someone who realises that the standards on which operates (including the moral and political conventions of society, the rites and rituals that a person is typically expected to obey) are not given and are in actuality without inherent meaning of value.

Knowing this, an X then sets out to construct an identify and lifestyle based not on the observance of received, meaningless principles, but on their own standards and sets of values. (...)

An X will socialise only in as far as socialising will serve their core principles. An X will never feel the need to socialise out of obligation, the desire to 'fit in' or to 'make new friends' for its own sake.

An X will generally have an ideal, wether moral or personal, which will guide their actions, informed by rationality, reason and a desire to live life by their own standards of beauty and meaning."